Wednesday, November 20, 2019

#LifeHacks: 5 Ways to Give Back This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a great time to spend with family and friends. Take a moment  to reflect upon everything you are thankful for. With that being said, Thanksgiving is also a great opportunity to stop what you're doing and give back! Here are five ways that you can help someone in need during this Thanksgiving.

Donate your time: Volunteering is the best way to get involved with your community and also help families in need. Shelters are a great place to volunteer during the holidays. Many of them need the support to! Check our your local community centers and sign up to help out.

Donate food:  Food is one of the essential parts of Thanksgiving! Take your unexpired canned goods and non perishable food items to organizations that are doing Food Drives or that are accepting donations.

Sponsor a family: In addition to donating time and food, a good way to give back is to sponsor a family for Thanksgiving. You can buy their Thanksgiving groceries or simply make double of what you will be serving for on Thanksgiving Day!

Donate blood: Many people will have to spend the holidays in the hospital, a good way to give back to them is to donate blood. Make sure you check out your local blood banks to see what are the requirements to donate.

Write letters to troops: As Thanksgiving day is two weeks shy from Veterans day, it's always good to give thanks to the people who volunteer everyday to fight for our country. Get the family together to make heartwarming letters!

Remember its always great to GIVE! 

Apartment Resident #LifeHacks was created in 2018 by Grady Management, Inc.  Grady Management was founded in 1965 and continues to provide a full service residential, commercial, and consulting real estate firm in the greater Washington and Baltimore metropolitan area.  Learn more from our website or Facebook page.

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